By Herbert W. Armstrong
©1982 Worldwide Church of God
 All Rights Reserved
Telecast Transcript
Time is running out. Armageddon is closer day-by-day. Troubles even wars between nations are increasing all the time. The Falkland crisis and the Poland crisis what is going to develop all of the Middle Eastern. Strife out of the many other trouble spots all around the world. Just how there are we to the nuclear World War 3. Right now are we living in the last days but only Bible prophecies can tell you that. Bible prophecies tell you what is going to happen in general from here on out. Not the details, but in general. And we can know a great deal about it the book of Revelation is the chief book of prophecy in the New Testament.
So I would like to come now to the 17th chapter of Revelation and verse 3, "so he the angel that was revealing these things to him carried me away in the spirit or in vision and incidentally John who wrote the revelation it is a revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave to him he sent and signified by his insignia fighted by his angel unto his servant John and John wrote it now he wrote what he saw in a vision and it was all in symbol and here is some of the vision that he wrote in the seventeenth chapter so he the angel that was revealing these things to him carried me away in the spirit or invasion into the wilderness and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured Beast now that's a peculiar kind of an animal a scarlet colored Beast nears a woman riding this beast and a beast is full of the names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns now that certainly is a very peculiar type of a beast there were 10 horns on this beast it had seven heads and ten horns and the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings Kings or kingdoms which have received no Kingdom as yet that is at the time of the vision and the vision was for the far future in other words that for our day now the ten horns which thou sawest are ten Kings or kingdoms which have received no Kingdom as yet but receive power as kings one hour with the Beast with this beast they have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast they shall make war with the lamb now here the lamb is a symbol for Christ. Christ that is second coming now notice that they're going to make war with Christ and the lamb shall overcome them for he is Lord of lords and King of Kings Christ has never been Lord of lords and King of Kings he will be the Lord of lords and King of Kings at the time of his second coming and Christ's second coming is not far away.